If you’ve ever tried to explain a meme to your grandparent – or if you’re the puzzled grandparent – you know how big the cultural divide among generations can be. And while all-caps ‘yelling’, misunderstood emojis and other crossed wires are harmless in a family group text, business communication is maymore fraught. Send your boss the goat emoji, and instead of realising it’s a compliment (she’s the greatest of all time!) she might think you’re calling her, well, a goat.
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“In comparison to you, we are soft and fluffy,” Putin told a BBC correspondent who had asked whether Russia bore responsibility for the worsening in relations of late. Russian scientists have been hard at work developing a Covid vaccine as part of the international competition to end the pandemic. Despite pressure to rush out the vaccine as a global first, and reports of government employees being forced to take part in voluntary trials, the data suggests that Russia’s vaccine may be a success. (That said, despite trumpeting the achievement, Putin has declined to take it so far.)
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Категория: Stylistics |
Просмотров: 253 |
Добавил: Voats |
Дата: 14.01.2021
This could lead to a belief that ‘the’ is a workhorse of English; functional but boring. Yet Rosen rejects that view. While primary school children are taught to use ‘wow’ words, choosing ‘exclaimed’ rather than ‘said’, he doesn’t think any word has more or less ‘wow’ factor than any other; it all depends on how it’s used. “Power in language comes from context... ‘the’ can be a wow word,” he says. This simplest of words can be used for dramatic effect. At the start of Hamlet, a guard’s utterance of ‘Long live the King’ is soon followed by the apparition of the ghost: ‘Looks it not like the King?’ Who, the audience wonders, does ‘the’ refer to? The living King or a dead King? This kind of ambiguity is the kind of ‘hook’ that writers use to make us quizzical, a bit uneasy even. “‘The’ is doing a lot of work here,” says Rosen.
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«С нынешними способами общения гораздо больше шансов на недопонимание», - говорит Жизель Ковари, исследователь поколений и президент консалтинговой фирмы n-gen People Performance, Inc. в Торонто. «В цифровой среде много шума, и если мы не болтаем вживую, вещи могут быть неправильно истолкованы. Молодым работникам официальное деловое общение старшего поколения может показаться очень холодным и немного резким, в то время как молодые люди критикуют себя слишком непринужденно ».
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(Немцы поднимают большой палец и первые два пальца; британцы зажимают мизинец большим пальцем, а остальные поднимают.) Большинство никогда не осознают, что это различие существует, пока не увидят альтернативу, которая для них выглядит странной. Некоторые сигналы могут быть случайными причудами, которые прижились. Другие могли служить определенной цели. Говорят, что Владимир Путин демонстрирует свои навыки обращения с оружием в КГБ, когда он ходит, его «рука с оружием» неподвижно висит рядом с ним. С момента своего первоначального открытия Марш и Эльфенбейн обнаружили больше этих «невербальных акцентов» - физических способов, которыми мы, не осознавая, показываем, откуда пришли. Американцы, например, могут отличить австралийцев по тому, как они улыбаются, машут руками или ходят.
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This simplest of words can be used for dramatic effect. At the start of Hamlet, a guard’s utterance of ‘Long live the King’ is soon followed by the apparition of the ghost: ‘Looks it not like the King?’ Who, the audience wonders, does ‘the’ refer to? The living King or a dead King? This kind of ambiguity is the kind of ‘hook’ that writers use to make us quizzical, a bit uneasy even.
“‘The’ is doing a lot of work here,” says Rosen.
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Есть хорошая поговорка - горбатого могила исправит. As the saying goes, bad blood cannot be hid. Мне кажется, горбатого могила исправит, ведь так? I guess old habits die hard with you, don't they? Надо же было родиться таким святошей! Нет, горбатого могила исправит. In fairness, they're easier to pity. ??? То, что горбатого могила исправит. What happened is, a tiger doesn't change their stripes. Но, видимо, горбатого могила исправит. Guess you can't wash the stink off trash. Потому что, горбатого могила исправит. Because a tiger doesn't change his spots. Знаешь, горбатого могила исправит, Джэймс. You know, a tiger doesn't change his stripes, James. Горбатого могила исправит, а также чирлидера. Leopards and cheerleaders don't change their spots. ??? Мы говорили на разных языках. А знаешь пословицу: «Горбатого могила исправит» A leopard can't change its spots. Нет, горбатого могила исправит. In fairness, they're easier to pity. ??? Ну, горбатого могила исправит? But can the leopard change his spots? Знаете, горбатого только могила исправит. You know, leopards don't change their spots. Горбатого только могила исправит. Nothing can fix the devil. Выдумал: "Красного могила исправит"! Уильямс не красный! "Reform the Reds with a rope." Williams isn't a Red, and you know it. Тебя только могила исправит. You are a total wipe-off. ???
While Duolingo and Busuu both offer free and paid-for premium versions, Babbel is only free for the first week. All three have put a lot of work into their software to try to make the learning process as effective as possible. But are they actually any good? How proficient can people get in another language by using them? Renowned linguist Stephen Krashen, professor emeritus of the University of Southern California, is not very complimentary. "My analyses of their results show that they achieve the same mediocre results as traditional methods do in regular classrooms, and produce the same lack of enthusiasm from students," he says. "We don't acquire language by speaking or writing, even when we get our errors corrected. Rather, the ability to speak and write fluently and accurately is the result of language acquisition via comprehensible input, such as good books, movies and interesting stories."
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