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В этом разделе собраны переводы песен, выполненные Александром Васильевичем Терениным, знатоком английского языка, исследователем с энциклопедическим багажом знаний, человеком необыкновенно скромным, обаятельным и талантливым, многолетней дружбой с которым горжусь. В настоящий момент А. В. Теренин заведует кафедрой английской филологии в Елабуге (Россия).
The Ukrainian Tragedy
The Russo-Ukrainian war as the clash of civilizations
English at Work
Главная » Файлы » Поэзия |
27.09.2009, 10:34 | |
THE ROMAN CENTURION’S SONG ROMAN OCCUPATION OF BRITAIN, A.D. 300 Legate, I had the news last night –my cohort ordered home By ship to Portus Itius and thence by road to Rome. I’ve marched the companies aboard, the arms are stowed below: Now let another take my sword. Command me not to go! I’ve served in Britain forty years, from Vectis to the Wall. I have none other home than this, nor any life at all. Last night I did not understand, but now the hour draws near That calls me to my native land, I feel that land is here. Here where men say my name was made, here where my work was done; Here where my dearest dead are laid – my wife – my wife and son; Here where time, custom, grief and toil, age, memory, service, love, Have rooted me in British soil. Ah, how can I remove? For me this land, that sea, these airs, those folk and fields suffice. What purple Southern pomp can match our changeful Northern skies, Black with December snows unshed or pearled with August haze - The clanging arch of steel-gray March, or June’s long-lighted days? You’ll follow widening Rhodanus till vine and olive lean Aslant before the sunny breeze that sweeps Nemausus clean To Arelate’s triple gate; but let me linger on, Here where our stiff-necked British oaks confront Euroclydon! You’ll take the old Aurelian Road through shore–desceending pines Where, blue as any peacock’s neck, the Tyrrhene Ocean shines. You’ll go where laurel crowns are won, but - will you e’er forget The scent of hawthorn in the sun, or bracken in the wet? Let me work here for Britain’s sake - at any task you will - A marsh to drain, a road to make or native troops to drill. Some Western camp (I know the Pict) or granite Border keep, Mid seas of heather derelict, where our old messmates sleep Legate, I come to you in tears - My cohort ordered home! I’ve served in Britain forty years. What should I do in Rome? Here is my heart, my soul, my mind - the only life I know. I cannot leave it all behind. Command me not to go! | |
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