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By Amy Yee 31st January 2022 Subjected to repeated disinformation campaigns, the tiny Baltic country of Estonia sees media literacy education as part of its digital-first culture and national security. For two days riots raged in Estonia's capital Tallinn. Protestors clashed with police and looters rampaged after the violence was sparked by controversy about a decision to move a military statue erected during Soviet rule. The flames of outrage among Estonia's Russian-speaking minority were fanned by false news spreading online and in Russian news reports. The disinformation campaign then escalated into what is considered the first cyber-attack against an entire country. The attack, which was linked to Russia, shut down websites of Estonia's government, banks and media outlets.

Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 222 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 06.02.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Bombogenesis - meteorology : rapid intensification of a storm caused by a sudden and significant drop in atmospheric pressure: the development or intensification of a bomb cyclone A cyclone is a low pressure system and a bombogenesis occurs when a storm intensifies, rapidly losing 24 millibars of pressure in 24 hours.— David Epstein First Known Use of bombogenesis 1989, in the meaning defined above History and Etymology for bombogenesis BOMB ENTRY 1 (in BOMB CYCLONE) + -O- + GENESIS
Категория: Linguistics | Просмотров: 161 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 01.02.2022 | Комментарии (1)

A school board in Tennessee has banned a Pulitzer prize-winning novel about the Holocaust from being taught in its classrooms. Board members voted in favour of banning the novel because it contained swear words and a naked illustration. The graphic novel Maus: A Survivor's Tale depicts how the author's parents survived Auschwitz during the Holocaust. Author Art Spiegelman said he was "baffled" by the decision. Six million Jewish people died in the Holocaust - Nazi Germany's campaign to eradicate Europe's Jewish population. Mr Spiegelman's parents were Polish Jews who were sent to Nazi concentration camps during World War Two. His novel Maus, which features hand-drawn illustrations of mice as Jews and cats as Nazis, won a number of literary awards in 1992. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60153696
Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 146 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 27.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Adding a positive epithet to denote a military bloc does not make the bloc "defensive", but shows a case of "camouflanguage". The head of the German navy has resigned over controversial comments he made over Ukraine. Kay-Achim Schönbach said the idea that Russia wanted to invade Ukraine was nonsense. 

Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 135 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 23.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

cyka blyat idi nahoy ¿Palabras bonitas de tus amigos gamers? Entra y sabrás lo que significa. The Russian translation of the Spanish text: «Прикольные слова, которые говорят твои приятели-геймеры? Приходи к нам и узнай, что они значат!» What is behind the incorrect transcription of the unprintable Russian words?

Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 210 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 21.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Biden wrapped up a marathon news conference, in which he said Russia would be held “accountable” for invading — though he added that the U.S. response would depend on the nature of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions. National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne took to Twitter during the news conference to clarify that Biden was talking about the difference between “military and non-military/para-military/cyber action by the Russians.” “Russia will be held accountable if it invades, and it depends on what it does,” Biden said, when asked how he would hold Russia accountable for an invasion. “It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion, and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. But if they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia.”
Категория: Linguistics | Просмотров: 155 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 21.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

The title of the BBC news puts Sherman versus Putin: their status is not equal. They are not holding talks with each other. Sharman's counterpart is Ryabkov. Here is how the BBC sees it: Can the 'Silver Fox' outwit Vladimir Putin? Wendy Sherman, one of the world's most powerful diplomats, is known as the Silver Fox because of her snowy white mane and her canny deal-making style. On Wednesday, she is helping to lead the US-Russia talks in Europe. Ms Sherman - the US Deputy Secretary of State, one of the department's top positions - has been meeting Russian officials this week to discuss Ukraine. The stakes are high.
Категория: Linguistics | Просмотров: 169 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 12.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Though considered impertinent in many cultures, asking someone's age in South Korea is a social contract that establishes the pecking order between speakers. The first time British expat Joel Bennett understood he had committed a major linguistic faux pas was when he thanked a restaurant owner for a good meal during his first trip to South Korea. The owner was a female in her 60s and Bennett, then 23, said "gomawo", which translates to a breezy "thanks" in English. He thought he was being polite.
Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 159 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 11.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

Neujahrsgebet Herr, setze dem Überfluss Grenzen und lasse die Grenzen überflüssig werden. Lasse die Leute kein falsches Geld machen und auch Geld keine falschen Leute. Nimm den Ehefrauen das letzte Wort Und erinnere die Ehemänner an ihr erstes. Schenke unseren Freunden mehr Wahrheit und der Wahrheit mehr Freunde. Gib den Regierenden ein besseres Deutsch Und den Deutschen eine bessere Regierung. Herr, sorge dafür, dass wir alle in den Himmel kommen Aber nicht sofort! antithesis [anˈtɪθəsɪs] is a rhetorical or literary device in which an opposition or contrast of ideas is expressed. I've never met a translation of the witty sermon.
Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 140 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 03.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)

"An Unfinished Story" by O. Henry.. Опять задумался над предложением, которое я раньше никак не мог понять полностью. Если помнишь, когда он описывает сутенера Piggy, он приводит следующее предложение: He (Piggy) is a type; I can dwell upon him no longer; my pen is not the kind intended for him; I am no carpenter. Это предложение всегда ставило меня в тупик. Я не понимал, причем здесь плотник. На этот раз решил, что здесь игра слов, которая активизируется словом "pen" (перо и сарай), слогом "pen" в слове "carpenter" и собственно прозвищем Piggy. Поэтому понимаю его так: Не хочу больше говорить о нем, Я же писатель, а не плотник. Сараев для свиней не строю

Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 163 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 01.01.2022 | Комментарии (0)