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As early as August 2023 senior leadership at NATO, at least informally, suggested that the emergence of a downsized New Ukraine would be welcomed.  On November 1, 2023 in an interview and accompanying article, General Valery Zaluzhny, then head of the Ukraine military high command, acknowledged the harsh military reality — stalemate. The Ukrainian political process of adjusting to a new reality is unfolding among the “troika” of the Rada (parliament), Presidency, and military high command — so an “October surprise” may be brewing.  The unilateral declaration of a New Ukraine will reflect the troika’s consensus.

Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 113 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 13.03.2024 | Комментарии (0)

Coping with Russia will demand a long-term strategy, one that echoes containment, which guided the United States through the Cold War, or what President John F. Kennedy called a “long, twilight struggle” against the Soviet Union. 

More than 75 years have passed since the diplomat George Kennan first formulated that strategy in his famous “Long Telegram” from Moscow and then in Foreign Affairs under the pseudonym “X.” In his 1947 article, Kennan described containment as a political strategy reinforced by “the adroit and vigilant application of counterforce at a series of constantly shifting geographical and political points.” The goal was to avoid direct conflict with the Soviet Union while halting the spread of Soviet power.


Чтобы справиться с такой Россией, потребуется долгосрочная стратегия сдерживания вроде той, что Соединенные Штаты придерживались в период холодной войны или того, что президент Джон Кеннеди называл "долгой сумеречной борьбой" с Советским Союзом.


Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 119 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 11.03.2024 | Комментарии (0)

According to Victoria "Fuck the EU!" Nuland, it is the USA that at the price of $5 bln toppled Kiev's elected government.  The underlined sentence is a case of EVENT IRONY against the backdrop of Nuland's admission.

The west’s justified objective in Ukraine was to help foil Putin’s attempt to topple Kyiv’s elected government. 
But as the conflict in Ukraine has reached predictable stalemate, Nato’s strategy has lost all coherence. This is the moment when such wars run out of control. For two years now, western leaders have polished their macho images at home by visiting and goading Kyiv’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy to seek total victory with their help. It was Boris Johnson’s favourite pledge, but then his voters were merely paying for it, not dying. France’s Emmanuel Macron has at least suggested sending troops.

Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 109 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 08.03.2024 | Комментарии (0)


Pussy can sit by the fire and sing, Pussy can climb a tree, Or play with a silly old cork and string To 'muse herself, not me. But I like Binkie my dog, because He knows how to behave; So, Binkie's the same as the First Friend was, And I am the Man in the Cave.

Pussy will play man-Friday till It's time to wet her paw And make her walk on the window-sill (For the footprint Crusoe saw); Then she fluffles her tail and mews, And scratches and won't attend. But Binkie will play whatever I choose, And he is my true First Friend!

Pussy will rub my knees with her head Pretending she loves me hard; But the very minute I go to my bed Pussy runs out in the yard, And there she stays till the morning-light; So I know it is only pretend; But Binkie, he snores at my feet all night, And he is my Firstest Friend!



Кошка чудесно поёт у огня, Лазит на дерево ловко, Ловит и рвёт, догоняя меня, Пробку с продетой верёвкой.

Всё же с тобою мы делим досуг, Бинки, послушный и верный, Бинки, мой старый, испытанный друг, Правнук собаки пещерной.

Если, набрав из-под крана воды, Лапы намочите кошке (Чтобы потом обнаружить следы Диких зверей на дорожке),

Кошка, царапаясь, рвётся из рук, Фыркает, воет, мяучит. Бинки — мой верный, испытанный друг, Дружба ему не наскучит.

Вечером кошка, как ласковый зверь, Трётся о ваши колени. Только вы ляжете, кошка за дверь, Мчится, считая ступени.

Кошка по крышам гуляет всю ночь, Бинки мне верен и спящий: Он под кроватью храпит во всю мочь — Значит, он друг настоящий!

Перевод С.Маршака
Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 121 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 03.03.2024 | Комментарии (0)

Boris Johnson tells Putin to 'get the hell out of Ukraine' and says Trump WON'T pull the plug on funding if elected because he 'won't want to be the president who surrendered to Russia'

He insisted it was not viable to hold talks with Putin, asking: 'Is it possible to negotiate with a crocodile if your foot is in its mouth?'


Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 114 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 01.03.2024 | Комментарии (0)

It is ten years, not two years, since the war in Ukraine began. And once you have grasped that, you can begin to think clearly about it. What is Britain’s interest in this conflict? Why do so many in politics and the media cheer for carnage that has devastated Ukraine, the country they claim to love and admire? What has Ukraine gained from it? What can Ukraine and its people possibly gain from it?

PETER HITCHENS: Who began this filthy war? Why didn't we side with democracy against the Kiev mob?

  • Peter Hitchens answers your questions LIVE on MailOnline at 12pm on Thursday, February 29. Submit your questions to mailbox@dailymail.co.uk 




Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 125 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 27.02.2024 | Комментарии (0)

Once Nuland announced to the world the price of the Kiev coup masterminded and paid by the USA - $ 5 bln.

Now she boasts about good investment in the war in Ukraine.

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said this while speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.   "By not sending a single U.S. soldier into combat, by investing less than one-tenth of the annual defense budget, we have helped Ukraine destroy 50% of Russia's ground combat power, along with 20% of its vaunted Black Sea Fleet... The courage and resilience of Ukrainians has made the U.S. safer," Nuland said.

The EU invested twice as much in "support" for Ukraine as the U.S. — $107 billion, not counting the recently allocated $54 billion — because it wanted to be a leader. The Americans, on the other hand, invested only $75 billion.

Категория: Последние новости | Просмотров: 129 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 23.02.2024 | Комментарии (0)

Nuland and O’Brien’s statements are the Beltway equivalent of happy bedtime stories the establishment tells itself in order to keep the wolves of reality, conscience, and failure from the door. They are highly improbable accounts of the current situation on the ground where, according to former Ukrainian prosecutor general Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine has suffered 500,000 dead in its war with Russia, losing “30,000 people a month in the war as killed and seriously wounded.” 

Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 123 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 21.02.2024 | Комментарии (0)

By the time I was there doing research for my first book, The Grace Effect, which is, in a sense, a history of Ukraine, there was a growing desire among many Ukrainians, some 16 percent, to reunite with Russia. Sixteen percent isn’t a majority, but it isn’t nothing, and it reflected the ideological fractures within this historically unstable region. My own interpreter on one of these visits, a Ukrainian, talked incessantly of his admiration for Stalin. He was not an anomaly at that time.

Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 110 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 17.02.2024 | Комментарии (0)

Shevchenko has never been known for clarity, as Anna Reid convincingly shows in her "Borderland".

Shevchenko’s poems are an odd mixture of pastoralism, xenophobia and self-hatred punctuated by hysterical shout-outs against the treachery of Ukrainians who were quite satisfied to be the slaves of Moscow and the riff-raff of Warsaw. Shevchenko over and over cast scorn on the slavish habit of his countrymen to give way to pressure without raising much ado. As the shameful Ukrainian proverb says, “My hut is far from the fray, I don’t know anything”.

= "Моя хата з краю, ничого не знаю"

Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 145 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 28.01.2024 | Комментарии (0)