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25 Sneaky Names for Palm Oil By Melissa Breyer Updated December 07, 2020 https://www.treehugger.com/sneaky-names-palm-oil-4858743 Palm oil and its derivatives can appear under many names. For consumers concerned about the catastrophic ill effects of the palm industry, here’s what to look for. alm oil and its derivatives can appear under more names than just “palm oil.” While some of these ingredients listed by WWF – like vegetable oil – aren’t always made from palm oil, they can be: 1. Elaeis guineensis 2. Etyl palmitate 3. Glyceryl 4. Hydrogenated palm glycerides 5. Octyl palmitate 6. Palm fruit oil 7. Palm kernel 8. Palm kernel oil 9. Palm stearine 10. Palmate 11. Palmitate 12. Palmitic acid 13. Palmitoyl oxostearamide 14. Palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3 15. Palmityl alcohol 16. Palmolein 17. Sodium kernelate 18. Sodium laureth sulfate 19. Sodium lauryl lactylate/sulphate 20. Sodium lauryl sulfate 21. Sodium palm kernelate 22. Stearate 23. Stearic acid 24. Vegetable fat 25. Vegetable oil
Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 154 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 01.08.2021 | Комментарии (0)

TOKYO—For most athletes, getting ready for the Olympics involves training camps, trial competitions and mental preparation. For Russians, it also includes horse-trading over bears and music. https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-tokyo-olympics-roc-11627107905 CollinsCobuild (En-En) horse-trading also horsetrading 1) N-UNCOUNT (disapproval) If you describe discussions or negotiations as horse-trading, you disapprove of them because they are unofficial and involve compromises. ля спортсменов подготовка к участию в Олимпийских играх включает в себя тренировочные сборы, отборочные соревнования и психологическую подготовку. Для российских спортсменов она также включает в себя тяжелые переговоры по поводу формы и музыки.
Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 140 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 27.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Newsweek is supposed to impart authority to whatever it publishes. That is not the case with Dmytro Tuzhanskyi’s scribbling that pays lip service to Newsweek, but does not convey much sense otherwise: https://www.newsweek.com/ukraines-imperfect-path-opinion-1610622 You may imagine the author who comments on his article on Facebook in this way: С трепетом сообщаю вам, что сегодня одна из самых авторитетных и популярных медиа-аутлетов в мире Newsweek опубликовала мою авторскую колонку в формате op-ed. Это то, к чему я стремилась - говорить о важном со всем миром; о чем я не планирую жить и что меня поддержало неожиданно большое количество людей, в какой-то момент даже незнакомые люди, и это очень круто. Пожалуйста, читайте, обсуждайте и делитесь!
Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 128 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 21.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

"The Fake News exhibition highlights how young people feel about having to navigate the vast amount of news and information that is available in the modern world, and at the same time, to discern what is the truth," said Bill Watkin, chief executive of the SFCA. "Art has always played an important role in social and political commentary. https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-57812031
Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 135 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 17.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

"For many people with dementia, the first sign that something’s wrong is a change in how they speak. They might struggle to find a word, repeat themselves, or stumble and hesitate. For those who know more than one language, like my dad did, the picture can be even more complicated." In Radio 4's Lost for Words, David Shariatmadari explores the science of language, dementia and ageing as he reflects on his own father’s experience. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/xCg43nmYHPRgFTM4hj7t7m/lost-for-words-what-happens-to-language-in-the-onset-of-dementia
Категория: Linguistics | Просмотров: 152 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 13.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help. Ronald Reagan
Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 145 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 11.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

We all know what burnout is and why it’s bad. But fewer of us have heard of ‘boreout’ – a related phenomenon that’s arguably just as pernicious. While burnout is linked to long hours, poor work-life balance and our glamourisation of overwork, boreout happens when we are bored by our work to the point that we feel it is totally meaningless. Our job seems pointless, our tasks devoid of value. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210701-the-damaging-effects-of-boreout-at-work
Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 143 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 08.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

Российский президент также обвинил Великобританию и США в неблагодарности, объяснив, что приказал российским войскам отойти от границ Украины после того, как их присутствие вызвало на Западе страх нового конфликта. Путин сказал: «Мы это сделали. Но вместо того, чтобы отреагировать позитивно на это и сказать: ладно, хорошо, мы поняли вашу реакцию на наше негодование, — вместо этого они что сделали? Они приперлись к нашим границам». https://inosmi.ru/politic/20210702/250027755.html Mr Putin said: "We did this, but instead of reacting positively to this and saying 'OK, we've understood your response to our grumbling'. "Instead of that, what did they do? They barged across our borders."
Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 128 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 03.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

The silliest woman can manage a clever man; but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool. Rudyard Kipling Kipling's paradox is complimentary to women and feminists who abhor the English discourse in history as "his story" .
Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 140 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 01.07.2021 | Комментарии (0)

“On Translating Eugene Onegin 1 What is translation? On a platter A poet's pale and glaring head, A parrot's screech, a monkey's chatter, And profanation of the dead. The parasites you were so hard on Are pardoned if I have your pardon, O, Pushkin, for my stratagem: I traveled down your secret stem, And reached the root, and fed upon it; Then, in a language newly learned, I grew another stalk and turned Your stanza patterned on a sonnet, Into my honest roadside prose-- All thorn, but cousin to your rose. 2 Reflected words can only shiver Like elongated lights that twist In the black mirror of a river Between the city and the mist. Elusive Pushkin! Persevering, I still pick up Tatiana's earring, Still travel with your sullen rake. I find another man's mistake, I analyze alliterations That grace your feasts and haunt the great Fourth stanza of your Canto Eight. This is my task--a poet's patience And scholastic passion blent: Dove-droppings on your monument.”
Категория: Translatology | Просмотров: 131 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 27.06.2021 | Комментарии (0)