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03:32 Western discourse on Israel and Hamas{ | |
What unfolded on Israel’s southern border on October 7 is just a preview to what will happen – God forbid – all across the West, if we do not sober up and destroy these orcs to the very last of them, to borrow a term from J R R Tolkien. The spirit of Nazi Germany has risen from the dead and it threatens all of us. Israel is the forward operating base of the entire West. It’s no coincidence that the enemies of the West have targeted Israel first. They think – and even express so publicly – that Israel is a Western colony in their area, therefore its demise would signal the start of the collapse of the infidel West. US President Joe Biden, in his brave speech on October 17, showed that he understood this. He has also sent two aircraft carriers to the region, and he sees the attack on Israel as a prelude to a war against the US, and in fact, against the West. | |
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