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06:33 verbal hygiene - a new linguistic discipline | |
In English, there is no true male equivalent of the word "spinster", an unmarried older woman. There is the word "bachelor", but it again does not carry the negative connotations that spinster traditionally has. In the 1990s, Cameron came up with a phrase for this kind of linguistic cleansing – verbal hygiene. It is "the motley collection of discourses and practices through which people attempt to 'clean up' language and make its structure or its use conform more closely to their ideals of beauty, truth, efficiency, logic, correctness and civility". In Italy, using the feminine version of "passeggiatore" flips its meaning from a lover of walking to a person who has many sexual encounters https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210408-the-sexist-words-that-are-harmful-to-wome | |
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