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Актуальные вопросы переводоведения The acute problems of translatology
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English at Work
At University
05:45 'Native English speaker' - from a wealthy, majority white and mostly monolingual country? | |
Globally, non-native speakers of English outnumber native speakers three to one, although defining the term ‘native English speaker’ is complicated. The term usually refers to anyone who speaks English from early childhood, as their first language. But many children grow up learning multiple languages simultaneously – for instance, if their parents are from different places, or if a nation has several official languages. A particular status is attached to English that sounds as if it comes from countries that are wealthy, majority white and mostly monolingual. According to this limited view, multilingual countries like Nigeria and Singapore have less ‘legitimate’ and desirable forms of English (even though English is an official language in both). Globally, the most respected types of English are varieties such as British, American and Australian, says Sender Dovchin, a sociolinguist at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210528-the-pervasive-problem-of-linguistic-racism | |
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