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13:32 Linguistics is a serious matter: "single sign-on" as a Shibboleth | |
Not long ago I ran across another unexpected use of the term shibboleth. We were working with a feature that allows you to sign in to your organization's site—to a corporate web site or a university site—and from there, get access to external sites like the payroll site or an inter-library site. One prominent product that permits this sort of "single sign-on," as it's called, is named Shibboleth. This struck me as a perfect name for software that helps determine whether you are who you say you are. It's frightening to think about a situation in which what you say or how you say it could have a serious effect on your health. I imagine that most of us have failed a shibboleth test at one time or another in our lives. Fortunately, the worst effect has probably simply been to be labeled as an outsider. https://www.vocabulary.com/articles/wc/you-say-to-mah-to-everyday-shibboleths/ | |
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