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Sclafani, Jennifer. Talking Donald Trump: A Sociolinguistic Study of Style, Metadiscourse, and Political Identity (Routledge Focus on Linguistics) 1st Edition. -106 p. September 21, 2021 “Given the rising prominence of niceness over the past couple decades in American political discourse, one might expect a nice GOP candidate to have prevailed in the 2016 primaries. However, among 17 candidates, the least nice of all prevailed as the most likeable” [Sclafani, 2020: 8]. “What, exactly, does Donald Trump do through language in his public appearances throughout the primary season to create an ”authentic” and “relatable” presidential persona among the field of GOP candidates? How does he manage to pass a “likeability” test despite his consistent nastiness [Sclafani, 2020: 8]. “In the world of politics, you are what you say” [Sclafani, 2020: 9]. “The language of Donald Trump has been so divisive throughout his campaign as a political figure and he has come to be interpreted in such different ways by different audiences” [Sclafani, 2020: 13].
Категория: Stylistics | Просмотров: 175 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 21.09.2021 | Комментарии (0)