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06:36 John Falstaff – antonomasia, a cultural symbol, a charismatic drunk of a hero | |
John Falstaff – antonomasia, a cultural symbol, a charismatic drunk of a hero There may be Shakespeare characters who are more celebrated, or whose tragedies are grander, but perhaps none is as easy to empathise with as John Falstaff, the portly knight of Henry IV and The Merry Wives of Windsor. John Falstaff, that charismatic drunk, who lodges at the Boar's Head Tavern and keeps company with Prince Henry, aka Hal, soon to be Henry V; the chaotic old man who distracts the young prince from his more serious business of becoming king. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210421-the-shakespeare-tragedy-that-truly-speaks-to-us-now | |
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