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00:53 Doug Bandow about Ukraine in “The American Conservative” on August 24, 2023 | |
This is what Doug Bandow wrote about Ukraine in “The American Conservative” on August 24, 2023, focusing on the devastation caused by the war: “The war is destroying Ukraine. The war’s cost climbs daily, the economy is a wreck, the population has been depleted by mass refugee flows, the government survives only on Western handouts, the military has consumed much of its original Soviet-era arsenal, as well as the technological menagerie gifted by the allies, and the army has promiscuously sacrificed manpower both trained and raw. Finding replacements is becoming difficult, with a declining population, corrupt recruiting officers, and determined draft evaders. For all the wishful Western talk of a Russian collapse, given Moscow’s evident manifold challenges, catastrophic failure seems more likely in Kiev. Washington’s objective increasingly looks focused on doing ill to Russia rather than good to Ukraine.” https://www.theamericanconservative.com/ukraines-vain-search-for-wonder-weapons/ | |
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