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Актуальные вопросы переводоведения The acute problems of translatology
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At University
05:44 Donald Trump's linguistic heritage | |
In 1972, George Carlin listed "The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television” and apart from an occasional slip, always bleeped, they were expunged. For some time now, the bleeping has been accompanied by a wink and eventually, some less curse-y but no less naughty words became standard fare on Comedy Central and elsewhere. “Dick” got by because it’s short for Richard. The double entendre use of “pussy” was a late-night staple because, you know, cats and kitties. But that was before Donald Trump erased all ambiguity. As of today, all seven words, and many more, are permitted on premium cable and YouTube, which is television for millions of people.And now that The Boston Globe, our local “family newspaper,” has published the president’s slur, the rest can’t be far behind. https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2018/01/17/vulgar-language-president-trump-anita-diamant | |
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