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Актуальные вопросы переводоведения The acute problems of translatology
Language peculiarities of the text Языковые особенности текста
Stylistic and pragmatic peculiarities of the text Стилистические и прагматические особенности текста
English at Work
At University
00:04 There can be no "equality" among the languages: | |
Nevertheless the rallying cry calls to follow a false trail: «Each tongue – and there are no ‘small’ or lesser languages – construes a set of possible worlds and geographies of remembrance... When a language dies, a possible world dies with it. There is here no survival of the fittest. Even when it is spoken by handful, by the harried remnants of destroyed communities, a language contains within itself the boundless potential of discovery, of re-compositions of reality, of articulate dreams, which are known to us as myths, as poetry, as metaphysical conjecture and the discourse of the law» | |
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