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17:57 The diversity of cultures | |
In the USA "laid-back" ways are unacceptable, as well as in other countries where discipline and hard work are given priority. In Canada "laid-back" is the most natural way of treating things around you. In Russian it is very close to "ПОФИГИЗМ"
Canada offers many privileges to people who live here. Basically, it is the right place for seniors to live in if you look for such benefits as free medical treatment and other social perks. You cannot help appreciating Canadian kind-heartedness, laid-back ways and very peculiar sense of humor that takes you to the Farmstead Boulevard (with no farmstead in view), the Balsdon Hollow (without a hollow nearby), the Seaview Heights (without a sea in the vicinity). A modest village in East Guillimbury, where we live, has a proud name of Queensville. Still, I feel the presence of royalty within my close circle in the personality of Olivia, my beloved granddaughter and the greatest treasure who calls the shots for me now. | |
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