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«  Декабрь 2022  »

Goblin mode - neologism and its translation

“Goblin mode” — a slang term referring to “a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations” — has been named Oxford's 2022 Word of the Year.

Оксфордский словарь определяет как "поведение, основанное на бесцеремонном потворствовании собственным желаниям, лени, неопрятности и жадности, обычно сопутствующее отказу соответствовать общественным нормам и ожиданиям".

Yes, you read that right. 
Goblin mode is a neologism for rejecting societal expectations and living in an unkempt, hedonistic manner without regard to self-image. Although usages of the term date back to 2009 with varying definitions, the term went viral in 2022 due a Tweet by Twitter satirist @JUNlPER, featuring a doctored headline of an interview with Julia Fox, where she alleges that then-boyfriend Kanye West's dislike of her going "goblin mode" was the cause of their breakup.This doctored image prompted a huge spike in searches for "goblin mode", leading Fox to deny having used the term. The term has also been linked to a viral Reddit post in which a user admits to acting "like a goblin" when alone at home.

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