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16:38 Confusion around the simple word "single" | |
What Is a Single-Malt Whisky?Content: Whiskies from a single distillery. The root of all confusion lies in the simple word single. A single-malt scotch whisky is nothing more or less than the product of a single distillery. Not the product of a single batch or a single barrel, but a single distillery. A single-malt Lagavulin may contain whiskies from many barrels produced at the Lagavulin distillery, but it will contain only whiskies produced at Lagavulin. A single-grain scotch whisky varies only in that it contains barley and one or more other cereal grains, usually wheat or corn. Again, single is misleading here: It refers not to a product made from a single grain, but a product made at a single distillery.
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