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Актуальные вопросы переводоведения The acute problems of translatology
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15:28 Ambivalence as a factor behind the decline of the language | |
Hock, Andreas. Bin ich den der Einzigste hier, wo Deutsch kann? – München: Riva Verlag, 2017. – 186 S. This curious and delightful book shares a pessimistic view on the development of the language: the history of German is shown as a process of decline of the language: with every stage of its development it is getting less and less clear. The book is challenging in many aspects starting with the absurd use of the Superlative in its title and organized by paragraphs in the form of the subordinate clause of reason, so that it takes some time to decode them against the backdrop of the subtitle: "Über den Niedergang unserer Sprache". | |
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