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Актуальные вопросы переводоведения The acute problems of translatology
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17:23 A zoometaphor that has gone viral | |
Bandar-log The term “Bandar-log” had already entered political discourse by this time as a direct allusion to the monkey people described by Rudyard Kipling. The Bandar-log feature most prominently in the story "Kaa's Hunting", where their scatterbrained anarchy causes them to be treated as pariahs by the rest of the jungle. Their foolish and chattering ways are illustrated by their slogan: “We are great. We are free. We are wonderful. We are the most wonderful people in all the jungle! We all say so, and so it must be true.” Bandar-log communicate almost entirely through the repetition of other animals' speech. In Hindi, Bandar means "monkey" and log means "people" – hence the term simply refers to "monkey people". The term has also since come to refer to "anybody of irresponsible chatterers." The striking phonological similarity between the name of the leader of Ukrainian nationalists “Bandera” and the name for the monkey people “Bandar-log” made the latter go immediately viral as a derisive allusion. It is not surprising that Ukrainian Bandar-log came to be associated with the extreme right of Ukrainian voters but who behave as if they were the ones who represented the overwhelming majority and who in reality represented the most unpleasant, intolerant, arrogant and aggressive species among the citizens of Ukraine. | |
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