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I.Shaw - The top of the hill
08.09.2015, 20:54

Shaw, Irwin. The Top of the Hill. – London: New English Library / Times Mirror, 1980. – 320 p. P. 99 – 102

Не celebrated his thirty-fifth birthday by going down to the оffiсе earlier than usual, although he was aware оf the fact that by the terms оf the wills of his mother and grandfather he was somewhat wealthier than he had been the dау before. There was а meeting sche-duled with the president of an electronics concern in Pennsylvania for the afternoon аnd he wanted tо go over the report he had pre-pared. Nobody in the оffiсе knew that it was his birthday, so he was spared all congratulations. Tracy had always celebrated the occasion by coming tо the breakfast table with а gift аnd а bottle оf cham-pagne, but if she remembered this day she had neglected to call or perhaps had called, but tоо late, because he was  out of his room at the hotel by eight о'clock. Не had not seen or heard from her for more than а year, but as he sat at his desk with the small pile of neatly typed folios on it, it took а conscious еffort not to call the hotel аnd ask if there were any messages.

When Mr. Lewis, the president of the electronics concern, came into his office at three о'clock, Michael was sweating as usual, as the heat was full on, although it was а mild, golden day аnd New York was glittering like а bох of jewels in the Indian summer sun. The president of the electronics concern was а small, portly, fussy man with а worried look on his face. Michael knew that Mr. Lewis was enormously rich аnd he guessed that the worried look came because Lewis went through his days and nights certain that everybody was conspiring to get his money away from him.

'There it is, sir,' Michael said after they had shaken hands. Не pointed to the folders on his desk. 'It's all there. The bottom line. Chapter and verse. Costs, income, capital flow and investments, taxes, personnel, profit, research and development, the lot. Iп black and white. Do you want to read it here or take it home and have some time to digest it?'

'I'l1 read it here.' Lewis had а gruff, suspicious voice, 'I don't want anybody in my office or even in my home to know what's in it until I'vе made up my mind what I want to dо.'

'It will take some time,' Michael said. 'I have some things to do outside the office for about an hour or so. Make yourself comfort-able.'

Thank you, sir,' Lewis said. Не sat down behind Мichael's desk, put on а pair of gоld-rimmed glasses, then took out а monocle which hе held next tо his right еуе аnd opened the top folder and glared at it.

Leaving Mr. Lewis to cope with his myopia and the problem оf how to conserve and multiply the millions оf dollars he had stored up in his far-flung business, Michael went out оf the office. Не had nothing to dо away from the building, but he wanted some fresh air. Не hadn' t bothered to put on his topcoat аnd the little nip he felt from the wind off the river was welcome after the sealed cloying warmth оf  his office.

Не walked toward Fifth Avenue ап4 went into the St. Regis Hotel, with the idea оf having а drink, then thought better of it because he had promised himself that he wouldn't drink before sundown any-more аnd went downstairs to the row оf telephone booths аnd dialed the number оf Tгасу's office. Не didn' t know what he wanted to say to her and they hadn't spoken since the morning he had cleared his things out оf the apartment аnd he had to catch his breath when he heard the familiar low voice saying 'Tracy Lawrence' over the wire.

'Michael,' he said.

'Michael.' Не could hear the sharp intake оf  breath over the phone. 'Нарру birthday.'

'Тime marches on,' he said. She had remembered.

'I'm glad you called. There are some things I must talk to you about.' 'Today's as good а day as any. Dinner tonight?'
She hesitated for а fraction of а second. 'All right.'

'Shall we meet at the bаг оf the Oak Room аnd then go on some -place fог dinner?' One thing was certain — he wasn't going tо pick her up at her apartment. Birthday or по birthday, the apartment was one place he was not going to visit. 'Fine,' she said briskly.


'Seven-thirty it is.' She hung up.

Не walked slowly back to his office, wondering what she wanted tо talk to him about аnd dreading what it might be.

Mr. Lewis was pacing back аnd forth in his office when he got there. Не had taken оff his glasses and put away his monocle аnd looked mоге worried than ever. 'You guys cut pretty deep,' he said to Michael as soon as Michael had closed the door behind him. 'You're asking mе to fire thirty-five men who've worked with me for twenty years or more.'

Michael sat down behind his desk while Mr.Lewis kept pacing the floor, looking, Michael thought, like а nervous, pouting, fat little bird 'We guarantee that the еfficianсу of your firm will be improved by at least thirty percent in every department, Mr. Lewis.' His tone was neutral, nonargumentative. 'But if you don't want to take our advice it's up to you. Оur advice. Spread the responsibility around, although he had done аll the work on this particular assignment. 'We made it clear from the beginning that we would merely suggest.' Mr. Lewis sighed, the little bird confronted with the problem оf flying or not flying, with the necessity оf choosing whether he would have ten worms а dау or fifteen worms а dау. 'Yes, you did,' Mr. Lewis said unhappily. 'You were admirably frank.' Не sighed again. 'You were highly recommended to me. Highly. With good reason.' Не blinked, as though the light coming through the windows was suddenly too bright for him. 'The bottom line, as you said. Well, I suppose business is business. Yours аnd minе.' Не began to stuff the folders into the attache case he had brought with him. 'Still, I'11 have to sleep on it.'

'Ву аll means, Mr. Lewis.'

Mr. Lewis clicked the attache case shut. Michael stood up аnd they shook hands and Michael escorted the man to the door аnd opened iL 'Good luck, sir,' he said.

'I’ll need it,' Lewis said bitterly. Michael watched the little plump man, with the lives оf hundreds of other men in his hands, pigeon-strut down the corridor, already pondering what he would say to the thirty-five men who had worked for him for twenty years or more.


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28 nastyayoqub • 20:04, 12.11.2017 [Материал]
1. I was pacingback and forth while Michael said that the offer still hold good.2. Michael wasdrading what it might be but on paper he understood that itwill be unpleasant situation.3. He becamesuccessful in his own right as a businessman thanks to hisconscious efforts.4. Mr. Lewisresigned of his own accord as the time marches on.5. Interms of productivity  the firm was not succed so Michael wassweating when the president of electronics concern came to the office.6. I shallbe attending the meeting on behalf of the top manager who had to goover the report.7. The chartis out of touch with new details so the director was pacingthe floor.8. The decision triggeredoff a large number of cuts at the workplace.9. I would like tothank our technical staff-last but not least, as they were improving ouroffice all time.10. The marketing gameplan has failed so the company manager needed time to digesteverything.11. After tenyears of practice i realized that a means to an end is adiligence.
1. He isanxious that this deal should hold good.
2. Mr.Lewiswas recking his brains when Michael assured him that on paper this deal was
very profitable.
3. If theywere to give me a particular assignment, I should do it in my own right.
4. Sheponders if he resigned of his own record or as a result of firing employeers.
5. It tookher a conscious effort to convince him that in terms of quality their products
were the best.
6. If he wasconscious of all transaction details, he should be attending the meeting on behalf
of the general manager
7. If thiscontract had been out of touch with our  demands,
we shouldn’t have signed it.
8. I’m afraidlest this decision should trigger off  firing employees.
9. Last butnot least his achievement was the victory in that competition.
10. I’mafraid lest their marketing game plan should be better than ours.
11. Michaelconsidered this meeting to be as a means to an end.
Dmitry Frolov:

On paper his plan seemed to be pretty effective.
Our device has no rivals in terms of printing speed.
John made that decision on behalf of his ill uncle.
The sales department is out of touch with today's market.
The King's order triggered off a series of riots all over the country.
The team seemed to have no game plan, as their actions were quite chaotic.
If they spread responsibility, the task would be easier to finish.
He should have gone over the report.
If he hadn't been keeping a straight face for the entire game he would've lost.
If he weren't jat lagged he would take the tour.
He would be able to digest the information if he weren't so drunk.
1. He isanxious that this deal should hold good.2. Mr.Lewiswas recking his brains when Michael assured him that on paper this deal was
very profitable.3. If theywere to give me a particular assignment, I should do it in my own right.4. Sheponders if he resigned of his own record or as a result of firing employeers.5. She wentover the report 5. It tookher a conscious effort to convince him that in terms of quality their products
were the best.6. If he wasconscious of all transaction details, he should be attending the meeting on behalf
of the general manager7. If thiscontract had been out of touch with our  demands,
we shouldn’t have signed it.8. I’m afraidlest this decision should trigger off  firing employees.9. Last butnot least his achievement was the victory in that competition.10. I’mafraid lest their marketing game plan should be better than ours.11. Michaelconsidered this meeting to be as a means to an end.
22 caraanastasya • 18:37, 02.11.2017 [Материал]
1. In term of quality, I highly recommended to think better of choosing this plan to organise our business. 
2. I hope treat the deal we talked about at the last conference still hold good. 
3. I have to sign the documents on behalf of the finance director who is unwell. 
4. He could not work in the company therefore decide to resign of his ow accord.
5. Mr.Smith gave us such an excellent planning of architecture, that on paper would totally have a great success. 
6. Raised by his mother and granny, he became successful in his right as a business. 
7. Excessive working in front of computer triggered out his myopia 
8. The device we worked for a long period of time is out of touch. 
9. I`d like to thank everyone for their support in this business: directors, managers and last but not least staff, who play an unseen but nonetheless important role. 
10. The marketing game plan is a very serious issue about local market.
11. The digital apparatus may be only the first in a series of stages leading to some desired result, so it can be seen as a means to an end.
21 vreke • 22:00, 01.11.2017 [Материал]
1. I wish to reaffirm here that our suggestion holds good awaiting substantive consideration.
2. Well, on paper, one can fall asleep doing anything.
3. The Council is led by the President of the Republic in his own right.
4. I'm just about to direct a film... of my own script.
5. Strong voices argue that Israel must never negotiate in terms of weakness.
6.I shall now read out the statement on behalf of the Minister.
7. It also is out of touch the effects of road construction and tourism.
8. The sudden appearance of the immense statue has triggered off a hype.
9. Now, last but not least, your present, Robert.
10. However the website without thought-out game plan is ineffective in Internet.
11. It's nothing personal, but it was a means to an end.
Ответ: Oleg! Sentence 2 can`t understand, Translate, please! 4)To do smth of one`s own accord - делать что-либо по собственному желанию
5) Translate! 7) Out of toucj WITH... 9) your present - ? 10) without A thought-out...
23 Лена • 18:49, 02.11.2017 [Материал]
Oleg! Sentence 2 can`t understand, Translate, please! 4)To do smth of one`s own accord - делать что-либо по собственному желанию
5) Translate! 7) Out of toucj WITH... 9) your present - ? 10) without A thought-out...
20 alexandrzpukr • 23:56, 29.10.2017 [Материал]
Annette Vahina:
1) If you hadn't fired 10 workers, my offer would have held good.
2) On paper, Indian summer can come at the end of October.
3) In spite of the fact that he had left an orphan, he learned 10 languages in his own right and became a highly intelligent person.
4)I really don't want to make a row with this portly, fussy man, who is unfortunately my personnel director, so I'd sooner be resigned of my own accord.
5) In terms of profits, our company beats all the records.
6) I'd rather John spoke on behalf of the president of the electronics concern.
7) The medical board was out of touch with his myopia, and then he was recruited in the army.
8) According to current news, the entering of high costs and taxes triggered off redundancy everywhere.
9) Last but not least lesson at school is physical culture.
10) The marketing game plan is a very serious issue that Clinton have to deal with.
11) He merely has used Mary's sympathy as a means to an end.
26 Лена • 18:57, 02.11.2017 [Материал]
3) had been left an orphan - ? 6) Translate this sentence, please! 8) without entering it would be better! 10) HAS to deal with. In general - not bad. Thank you!
14 alexandrzpukr • 19:37, 29.10.2017 [Материал]
He is unreliable, so his arranges aren't hold good.
His goal is achievable on paper, but only if he makes a lot of efforts.
Nowadays, most of women try to became succesful in their own right in oder not to depend on their husbands.
Her chef is very bossy and mean, so she quited her job of her own reccord.
In terms of his speech people have to care about our ecology and protect the animals.
Tom made a hude mistake in report that represented on behalf of his wokers.
Our boss is out of touch with the consumers, who are last but not least, and it caused a lot of problems.
Because of his game plan he wined this quize and won the jackpot.
His means to an end caused deaths of million people.
Ответ: Not a single correct sentence! Do it once more!
15 Лена • 22:35, 29.10.2017 [Материал]
Not a single correct sentence! Do it once more!
13 kasiadracka • 17:35, 29.10.2017 [Материал]
1. After your digesting the new information, does the deal still hold good?
2. Mr. Jackson gave us such a bright presentation about his far-flung business that on paper his idea would totally have a great success.
3. She made a charp intake of breath and came to the journalist being ready to prove that she had become a successful singer in her own right.
4. Although Peter was suggested to quit work of his own accord, he didn't eant to rush and decided to sleep on this idea.
5. In terms of security, I highly recommend to think better of choosing this company.
6. On behalf of the executive director, I have to check the bottom line, chaptwr and verse.
7. This plan in out of touch with the fact we have to fire ten workres.
8. Working in front of the computer triggered out his myopia.
9. Last but not least, only two workers can go on holiday during the Indian summer.
10. The manager was glaring at his partner all the time he was criticising his game plan.
11. The manager said he could cut pretty deep unless he find another means to an end.
16 Лена • 22:37, 29.10.2017 [Материал]
Well done, Katia! Only the last sentence went wrong - think about the sequence of tenses! In general - very good of you!
12 alexandrzpukr • 16:02, 29.10.2017 [Материал]
1. The ticket holds good for thee days. Keep it in mind please.
2. This deal is good only on paper. We should better take a look once again to examine the text of the treaty in chapter and verse.
10. The main game plan of the school program of this year is to prepare students for the future exams.
4.He committed the crime of his own accord.  
5.It was a beautiful day, nevertheless in terms of the  weather it was not such a perfect.
6. i have my statement singed on behalf' of the company. 
7. I can't get though to him. Have you any ideas why he is out of touch ?
8. The nuclear war was triggered off because of  the lack of pres water and oil. 
 9. There were a lot of factors caused the catastrophe : bad geopolitics moods, the lack of natural resources and, last but bot least, was putting on a good face. 
11. ?
17 Лена • 22:45, 29.10.2017 [Материал]
Sasha! Such a nice day - but : the day was so nice! Such a perfect - what? Pres water - what is it? A lot of factors WHICH caused...
Your result is quite good.What about the last sentence?
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