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1.   Texts for Analysis


A. The Titan (Theodore Dreiser)

Chapter 7

The hero of the novel is an American entrepreneur who enjoys every challenge in the world of business. Dreiser, a great American writer, gets the reader absorbed in this world with clear, realistic and laconic account of dramatic events and human exploits.


1.     Consult the dictionary for expressions in bold type.

2.     Make up a list of expressions requiring specification in Russian.

3.     Give a synopsis of the text in vocabulary of every-day use.

4.     How does the author make the world of business comparable to that of warfare?


He wanted to "get in” on something that was sure to bring very great returns within a reasonable time and that would not leave him in any such desperate situation as he was at the time of the Chicago fire – spread out very thin, as he put it. He had interested in his ventures a small group of Cicago men who were watching him – Judah Addison, Alexander Rambaud, Millard Bailey, Anton Videra – men who, although not supreme figures by any means, had free capital. He knew that he could go to them with any truly sound proposition. The one thing that most attracted his attention was the Chicago gas situation, because there was a chance to step in almost unheralded in an as yet unoccupied territory; with franchises once secured – the reader can quite imagine how – he could present himself, like a Hamilcar Barca in the heart of Spain or a Hannibal at the gates of Rome, with  a demand for surrender and a division of spoils.

Cowperwood’s first project was to buy out and combine the three old city companies. With this in view he looked up the holders in all three corporations – their financial and social status. It was his idea that by offering them three for one, or even four for one, for every dollar represented by the market value of their stock he might buy in and capitalize the three companies as one. Then, by issuing sufficient stock to cover all his obligations, he would reap a rich harvest and at the same time leave himself in charge.

"Well, I’ll tell you how I feel about this”, said Addison, finally. "You’ve hit on a great idea here. It’s a wonder it hasn’t occurred to some one else before. And you’ll want to keep rather quiet about it, or some one else will rush in and do it. We have a lot of venturesome men out here. But I like you and I’m with you. Now it wouldn’t be advisable for me to go in on this personally – not openly, anyhow – but I’ll promise to see that you get some of the money you want. I like your idea of a central holding company, or pool, with you in charge as trustee, and I’m perfectly willing that you should manage it, for I think you can do it. Anyhow, that leaves me out apparently, except as an investor. But you will have to get two or three others to help carry this guarantee with me. Have you any one in mind?”

"Oh yes,” replied Cowperwood. "Certainly. I merely came to you first.”

Cowperwood found, as Addison  predicted, that it was not such an easy matter to induce the various stockholders and directors in the old companies to come in on any such scheme of reorganization. A closer, more unresponsive set of men he was satisfied he had never met.


Тексты для анализа | Просмотров: 1020 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 18.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

.Examination questions


1. Did you look into them?

2. Did you have a dummy run?

2.     Will you really go for it ?


Вопросы к экзамену | Просмотров: 722 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Vocabulary notes:

bottom line - 1) итоговая строка счета прибылей и убытков в годовом отчете;
 2) итог, практический результат

freelancer -  фрилансер, свободный художник, действующий на свой страх и риск

the commissioner of translationзаказчик перевода

block style - сблокированный стиль

modified block style - частично сблокированный

indented (modified block) with paragraph indentations - частично сблокированный с выделением параграфов красной строкой

letterhead - шапка на фирменном бланке

Тезисы лекций | Просмотров: 860 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Lecture 5: Dispute Letter to a Collection Agency

A debt letter which comes out of nowhere is referred to as a "zombie debt" and it is something that you or may not have paid in the past. However, under the Fair Debt Collection agency Act, you have the every right to dispute about the debt. A formal way to dispute on it is by sending a dispute letter to a collection agency. This is done if you want to verify the debt or prove that you have already made payments to pay off the debt.

There are millions of delinquent accounts in the country and it is not uncommon for credit account records to get lost, deleted destroyed, misplaced or deleted. This is something that becomes difficult for collectors to validate a debt. And it is here when they are unable to validate a debt properly. They often sell this to other collectors without your prior notice. However, this is not a violation because the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCA) as the debt collectors do not require to dispute unless those are supposed to validate the debt or give any specified actions allowed by law.

If you find such letter but with a different collector, you can use the debt collection dispute with the validation letter sample given below to draft your own letter and inform the collector that you have disputed about the debt before. Meaning unclear........either delete or rephrase.

If a collection agency is coming after you for some zombie debts, the best way to handle this is by writing to them. A sample letter is given so as to show how you can write this letter.

Тезисы лекций | Просмотров: 1343 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Lecture 4. Translatology and Business English


What is R. Jakobson’s contribution into the theory of translation? What ideas of his classical piece "On linguistic aspects of translation” are related to the skills of translating business letters? What are the Translator’s options? What do they have to do with Grice’s maxims? What do you know about the ‘invisibility’ of the Translator?


1. R. Jakobson’s theory of language functions.

2. The concept of the audience design in translatology.

3. The theory of cooperative communication (Grice’s maxims).

4. Translator’s options (dichotomies).

5. ‘Invisibility’ of the translator (L. Venuti’s theory).

6. The strategy of ‘softening up’ – refusal and reproach in business communication.

Тезисы лекций | Просмотров: 894 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

3. Enlarging the vocabulary



1. What do you know about the system of the English vocabulary?

2.     What systems of the description of the English vocabulary do you know?

3.     Why is it important for learners of English to have a shot at business English?

4.     What are the essential preconditions for the course of Business English to be a success?


Программа | Просмотров: 872 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

What is a business letter?  A business letter is an important document that a writer uses to accomplish specific, measureable objectives in interaction with a specific audience.

  • A business letter usually focuses on the reader's interests, needs, and concerns, often in order to get the writer's aims accomplished as well as the reader's. The strategy is to build rapport (a positive social relationship), offer needed information, and then ask for specific action. In some cases the writer may want to change the reader's attitude, which is also a kind of action.
  • A business letter builds a bridge (rapport) in a number of ways: expressing shared concerns or objectives, sharing personal or social information or experiences, naming shared acquaintances or business contacts, etc.
  • A business letter writer organizes the content of the letter to that it persuades the reader to agree with the writer's aims. The strategy is to construct "arguments" that the reader will accept as valid reasons for acting in ways that the writer has specified.
  • A business letter writer employs some device or means to measure the effectiveness of his or her persuasive effort. For example, a direct mail sales letter may include a coupon that the reader can redeem; a letter of termination's effectiveness may be measured by the fact that the employee does not retaliate with a lawsuit; a letter of complaint achieves an adjustment or refund.
  • A business letter is usually written in Business English and employs standard western styles of formatting and traditional letter parts or sections. For example, writers most often use block, modified block, semi-block, or AMS simplified styles for formatting content, and the letter parts most often included are the heading, inside address, salutation, body, close, signature, and reference section. (See your text for more information about format styles and letter parts.)
Тезисы лекций | Просмотров: 739 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Business translation and the commissioner of translation.

There are freelancers and hired people in the world of translation. Business translation has no freelancers. Everything you are doing in the translation of business correspondence is commissioned to you by someone who places certain requirements to your work. If not instructed differently by the commissioner of translation you are expected to preserve meticulously the arrangement of the wording of the ST in the TT. Among the newcomers into the art of translation there are many those who dismiss preserving the vertical and horizontal arrangement of the material of the ST in the TT as a superfluous effort. With business correspondence this disregard for the format can be comparable to violation of the autonomy of the line in a stanza of poetry: apparently, no one would ever dream of remaking the column of verses into a prose text.

How to arrive at the best result

Тезисы лекций | Просмотров: 2658 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Lecture 1: The myths about business correspondence.

1. A good business letter must produce a business impression by sending signals of formality such as business clichés.

2. A business format of the letter is crucial to efficient business communication.

3. Grammar, style and spelling are crucial to efficient business communication.

4. A business letter must clearly express yourself.

5. The predominant direction of translation is into one’s native language.

Тексты лекций | Просмотров: 1312 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Lecture 1: Business and translation

1. The myths about business correspondence.

2. Business translation and the commissioner of translation.

3. Sample Business Letters.

4. Letter formats.

5. The component parts of a business letter.

Тезисы лекций | Просмотров: 789 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Voats | Дата: 16.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

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