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18.11.2017, 10:06

27.09.17 The Spectator has found an adequate word to describe Saakashvili -showboating:

They also accuse him of being a relentless self-publicist more interested in showboating than actually making things work.

showboat ['ʃəubəut]; плавучий театр showboat

 He has a tendency to showboat a little — У него есть привычка порисоваться

 Don't try to showboat me — Хватит тут передо мной выделываться

One may suggest пускать пыль в глаза, выпендриваться, напускать на себя важный вид.

Корней Чуковский uses козырять to convey Mark Twain's expression showing off in the 4th chapter of "Tom Sawyer". 

25.09.17 Sometimes the native speakers of English have to open the dictionary to brush up their English:

On Friday the English-speaking world was startled to find itself suddenly reacquainted with the 14th-Century term "dotard", thanks to an unlikely source - Kim Jong-un.

The North Korean leader used the ancient word to describe Donald Trump several times in a fiery statement denouncing the US President's recent UN speech.

Dotard ['dəutəd] слабоумный (человек) ; старик, впадающий в детство, маразм; старый дурак

22.09.17 Jingoism has developed its status in the theory of translation from a non-equivalent concept to a one-to-one correspondence: квасной патриотизм, ура-патриотизм are variants from the "taste area" (Peter Newmark's term):

Jingoism has replaced scholarship and a spirit of real inquiry when it comes to Russia. That's a mistake.

Когда дело касается России, на смену специальному образованию и духу настоящего исследования приходит квасной патриотизм. И это большая ошибка.

17.09.17 The BBC quiz:

The "Dutch reach" was in the news this week. But what's it linked to?

* Annual list of popular baby names?

* Brexit?

* Cucling?

- Cycling UK wants the "Dutch reach" to be taught to new drivers. It would encourage vehicle drivers and passengers to open doors with the hand furthest away from the door lever, so the body would turn to see if cyclists are approaching.

13.09.17 On the 9th of September a German magazine Focus published an article devoted to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which contained insulting words targeting the Russian president:

"Sie hat zwar Angst vor Putins Hund, aber keine Angst vom Hund Putin". 
Она, конечно, боится собаки Путина, зато не боится собаку-Путина.

The Russian Embassy in Berlin has commented on the publication, that has obviously crossed the red line of political correctness offering to the reader a tasteless, impotent and vulgar pun.

11.09.17 feller-me-lad is an English idiom that is used as a vocative in addressing a young man  and means something like informal приятель. The expression is one of the idioms that causes the most exotic interpretations in the internet at the forums. The expressions deserves attention due to its fuzzy-set semantics, its tautological character, its violation of grammatical norms and variant correspondences in the translation.  I appreciate the correspondence offered by Ostrovskaya:

 She smiled. (‘No, young feller-me-lad, you don’t catch me a second time like that.’) [W. S. Maugham. Theatre, chapter 13]

Она улыбнулась. ("Нет, малыш, второй раз ты меня на ту же удочку не поймаешь".)

7.09.17 “Half-way through Victoria and Abdul, someone smirks that its hero is a “brown John Brown” - a clever way of acknowledging that you might just have seen a similar film before”.

I wonder whether you have met the expression “brown John Brown” before (it may be something like прошлогодний снег in Russian or déjà vu in French), but I am sure that it is quite new to me. English is amazing in the production of expressions no lexicographer has ever met.  

5.09.17 A revolutionary allegation: "the very recent and “uniquely” human capability of near infinite expressive power arising through a combinatorial grammar is built on the foundations of a far more ancient animal brain".

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