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August 2020
07.09.2020, 09:57

August 27, 2020 Can stylistics secure "the right" interpretation? No, it can't. It can provide a firmer footing for deeper understanding of the text:

“Stylistics is a method of textual interpretation in which primacy of place is assigned to language. While linguistic features do not themselves constitute a text’s ‘meaning’, an account of linguistic features nonetheless serves to ground a stylistic interpretation and to help explain why, for the analyst, certain types of meaning are possible” [Simpson, 2010: 2].

August 23, 2020  Donald Trump is sure to leave his name in the history of the USA since he gave rise to numerous neologisms:

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," as the saying goes. The communist Chinese, the Democrats, and the Never Trumps all have a common enemy: President Trump. But honest working Americans know that President Trump is steadfastly, unwaveringly on their side, on America's side, as President Reagan was 40 years ago.  Their dedication to the country and effectiveness on behalf of the country is unmatched by any other President in the last 70 years.


Как говорится, «враг моего врага — мой друг». У китайских коммунистов, демократов и «невертрамперов» общий враг один: президент Трамп. Но честные работящие американцы знают, что президент Трамп стойко и непоколебимо на их стороне, на стороне Америки, — как и президент Рейган 40 лет назад. Их преданность стране и результативность во благо нации не знают равных среди других президентов за последние 70 лет.

August 17, 2020  Those people who incite riot (нарушение общественной тишины и порядка) are called rioters in the English discourse (nobody calls such people in the USA “activists”):

Nightly violent riots continued in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, with rioters chanting ‘Kill a Cop, Save a Life’ and hurling objects at police that resulted in two officers being hospitalized.

August 13, 2020 An American woman was trying to reach out from New York to her daughter in Paris. The hostel keeper took the call. When asked about the girl, the hostel keeper said, ”Elle est parti à la fac”. In colloquial French it means она пошла в универ. In proper French: Elle est allée à l'université.

The girl’s Mom was hysterical and lost for words… Guess why.
August 11, 2020 Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya 
has said she had taken a "very difficult decision" to leave the country, 
after disputing an election she claimed was rigged.


The Present Perfect and the Past Perfect make a very unlikely sequence in English while in French Passé composé and Plus-que-parfait combine quite naturally:

La chef de l'opposition biélorusse Svetlana Tikhanovskaya a déclaré qu'elle avait pris "une décision très difficile" de quitter le pays, après avoir contesté une élection qui, selon elle, était truquée.

August 7, 2020 English produced numerous idioms with pants.

Well, Tina may be a bossypants, but Ellen's a smartypants.

Может, Тина и умна, зато Эллен остроумна.

In one of its figurative meanings it is чушь, чепуха, мура, фигня She is talking absolute pants. — Она говорит абсолютную  чепуху. The place is pants, yet so popular. — Местечко так себе, но пользуется большой популярностью. He's listened to your demo and thinks it's pants. — Он прослушал вашу демозапись и считает, что она ни на что не годится. Consider •• - by the seat of one's pants - beat the pants off - scare the pants off, frighten the pants off - catch with one's pants down - wear the pants 

August 3, 2020 “You don’t do the Lindy Hop?” (the remark in “The Winds of War” by Herman Wouk carries the imprint of the time of the action: the 20-s of the XXth century). The Lindy Hop is an American dance which was born in the African-American communities in Harlem, New York City, in 1928 and has evolved since then. It was very popular during the swing era of the late 1930s and early 1940s. Lindy was a fusion of many dances that preceded it or were popular during its development but is mainly based on jazztapbreakaway, and Charleston. It is frequently described as a jazz dance and is a member of the swing dance family.

August 1, 2020 "Cherchez la femme" is an expression that does not translate well from French to English. Literally, this phrase translates as "look for the woman." Its meaning in French, though, is quite a bit more nuanced.

English Meaning

In English, this expression actually means the "same problem as ever," similar to the expression, "go figure." However, that is not the meaning native French speakers are conveying when they use the phrase, which is also often misspelled as "Churchy la femme."

French Meaning

The original meaning is much more sexist than its literal translation. The expression comes from the 1854 novel "The Mohicans of Paris" by Alexandre Dumas, in which he stated:

  • Cherchez la femme, pardieu! Cherchez la femme!

The phrase—which translates as "Seek the woman, by God (or certainly)! Seek the woman!"—is repeated several times in the novel.

The French meaning implies that no matter what the problem may be, a woman is often the cause. Look for the mistress, jealous wife, or angry lover: A woman is at the root of each problem. You might use the phrase in French as follows:

  • Je n'ai plus d'argent. > I no longer have money.
  • Cherchez la femme. > Look for the woman. (Your wife must have spent it all.)


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