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Vocabulary of business correspondence
29.05.2012, 17:41

Vocabulary notes:

1. bottom line - 1) итоговая строка счета прибылей и убытков в годовом отчете;
 2) итог, практический результат

2. freelancer -  фрилансер, свободный художник, действующий на свой страх и риск

3. the commissioner of translationзаказчик перевода

4. block style - сблокированный стиль

4, modified block style - частично сблокированный

5. indented (modified block) with paragraph indentations - частично сблокированный с выделением параграфов красной строкой

6. letterhead - шапка на фирменном бланке

7. stationery - 1) а) канцелярские товары; канцелярские принадлежности б) почтовая бумага 2) бумага для печатающих устройств; continuous stationery — рулонная бумага; single-sheet stationery — стопка листов бумаги

8. a hard copy – распечатка на бумаге

9. print smth out, print a hard copy of smth - отпечатывать что-л на принтере

10. résumé  = resumé - 1) резюме, краткое изложение сути (сказанного, прочитанного) résumé of smb.'s speech — краткое изложение чьего-л. доклада; to give a brief résumé of the project — рассказать об основных чертах проекта; 2) резюме, краткая автобиография (сведения об образовании и профессиональном опыте).

11. curriculum vitae – то же самое

12. Covering Letter for Resume or CVсопроводительное письмо: It is usual to send a covering letter (BrE) or cover letter (AmE) with your resume/CV when applying for a job.

13.  Letter of Referenceхарактеристика: Companies and other organizations often ask for a letter of reference. This is a character reference written by someone such as an ex-employer who knows the subject personally.

14.  Letter of Resignationзаявление об увольнении: Though it is not necessary to give a reason, it is standard business procedure to send written notice informing your employer that you are planning to quit your job.

15.  Lay-off Noticeуведомление об увольнении: Companies and other organizations are usually required by law to present a written notice to employees informing them of a lay-off. This letter usually cites reasons for the lay-off, and acts as a formal apology. Employee rights may be included.

16. version – фр. перевод; вольный перевод; школьный перевод с иностранного языка на родной (термин Вине и Дарбельне): translation out of the foreign language into the translator’s language of habitual use.

17. audience design – коммуникативный проект: the adaptation of output by text producers to the perceived receiver group. Central to this notion is the extent to which speakers accommodate to their addressees and how speech style is affected. Four potential categories of text receiver have been identified: addressees arе known to the speaker and are directly addressed as ratified participants in the speech event (e.g. students of religious seminaries in Sample 9.1). Auditors arе both known to the speaker and ratified participants but they are not directly addressed (e.g. listeners to Tehran radio in Sample 9.1). Overhearers are known by the speaker to be present but are neither ratified participants nor directly addressed (e.g. the Islamic nation). Eavesdroppers are those of whose presence the speaker is unaware ("it could be suggested that the Guwdinn is an eavesdropper on Khomeinis address).

18. re  предл. лат. 1) относительно, касательно (в начале делового письма, в теме сообщения по электронной почте) Re your request of the 7th instant... — Что касается вашего запроса от седьмого числа этого месяца… Re: travel expenses — Re: дорожные расходы 2) насчёт, о "Enlighten me." "You mean re Peter?" "Re your reasons for getting engaged." — Просвети меня. - Насчёт Питера? - Насчёт твоей помолвки. 3) юр. в деле, по делу, дело Re: Brown versus City of Phoenix — дело "Браун против города Финикс”.

19. real-life assignments – in Russian there is no term matching this one. Thats why the only option is a descriptive translation: задания, связанные с профессиональными обязанностями будущего переводчика.

20. transcoding транскодирование или перевод «по-Хомскому», the transfer of an SL unit into the TL text as an automatic procedure made possible by the knowledge of grammar rules and vocabulary correspondences. The ESIT School of Paris contemptuously refers to this technique as transcodage. However, fluent transcoding is the main aim of teaching at the departments of foreign languages. Besides, only a good command of transcoding may assure the birth of skills of translation proper.

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