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08:30 doomscrolling is the word of the last year – 2020 | |
doomscrolling is the word of the last year – 2020. Думскроллингом (или думсёрфингом) называют бесконтрольное чтение негативных новостей, ради которого пользователи соцсетей жертвуют сном и отдыхом, ухудшая своё ментальное состояние. Такую практику считают компульсивной и мазохистской. Doomscrolling can be defined as "an excessive amount of screen time devoted to the absorption of dystopian news." According to finance reporter Karen Ho, the term is thought to have originated in October 2018 on the social media site Twitter. However, the word may have earlier origins, and the phenomenon itself predates the coining of the term. The practice of doomscrolling can be compared to an older phenomenon from the 1970s called the mean world syndrome: "the belief that the world is a more dangerous place to live in than it actually is—as a result of long-term exposure to violence-related content on television.” In common parlance, the word doom connotes darkness and evil, referring to one’s fate (cf. damnation).[10] In the early days of the internet, surfing was a common verb used in reference to browsing the internet; similarly, the word scrolling refers to sliding through text, images, etc. Both surf and scroll suggest the habit of not staying on one site or piece of content (e.g. articles or images) for long. | |
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