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10:29 Ambivalence to be decoded - the task of linguistics | |
Harris, Randy Allen. The Linguistics Wars: Chomsky, Lakoff, and the Battle over Deep Structure 2nd Edition. – Oxford University Press. – 568 p.In this evenhanded, trenchant and witty academic chronicle, Harris looks at the fierce, acrimonious controversies that have rocked linguistics since the 1950s. At center stage is Noam Chomsky whose search for the innate structures underlying language revolutionized what had been primarily a descriptive, behavioristic science. Chomsky's followers, notably George Lakoff, James McCawley, Paul Postal and Haj Ross, came to view Chomskyan "deep structure" as a barrier to forging a link between sound and meaning." -- Genevieve Stuttaford, Publishers Weekly | |
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