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12:34 Demisexuality - a new concept or a mere neologism for familiar concepts? | |
Демисексуальность (от фр. demi — «половина» + sexuality — «сексуальность») — определение или самоопределение людей с ограниченным сексуальным (или романтическим) влечением, пробуждающимся только в случае возникновения сильной эмоциональной привязанности. Формирование влечения в таких случаях варьируется и зависит от особенностей самого демисексуала. Earlier this year, when then-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s daughter, Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo, came out as ‘demisexual’, she was met with public condescension. Many mocked her demisexuality – a lack of sexual attraction to others without a strong emotional connection. Few acknowledged demisexuality as ‘real’. But although demisexuality isn’t widely known, it’s a sexual orientation like any other, that applies to people across the world. Demisexuality, which falls on the asexuality spectrum, differs from simply wanting to wait for a deep bond to form before having sex with someone; rather, it’s more akin to the experience of being asexual until that type of connection forms, at which point the sexual attraction extends only to that person. | |
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